ASSYST/CSS Newsletter
Number 9 - August 2010
Published by
ASSYST Complexity - http://assystcomplexity.eu
Complex Systems Society - http://cssociety.org
Download PDF at: http://assystcomplexity.eu/short/?id=72
In this Edition (see attached PDF):
* Editorial
* Comparing large-scale computational approaces to epidemic modeling:
agent-based versus structured metapopulation models
* Submarine robots learn teamwork
* News and Announcements
* Reading Snippets
* Conferences and Workshops
* Jobs
* Contacts
In the beginning of this century, new forms of communication have been
strongly influencing human interactions and determining knowledge
transmission mechanisms. Scientific communication, in particular, is
evolving from text-based to a diversity of multimedia formats. The
Complex Systems Society, aware of the importance of this change,
supports innovation by encouraging new uses of video documents in
scientific debate. This is what motivates the forthcoming ECCS Video
Competition, held in conjunction with ECCS'10 at Lisbon, September
13-17, 2010. The goal of the competition is to document exciting
complex systems studies advances in research, education, and
application. Videos can highlight some research, focus on the
activities of research groups, introduce new topics, document the
activity of a senior researcher or even include interviews. Videos
will also be displayed at the ASSYST Digital Library. Please check the
ECCS Video Competition webpage for more details and updated news.
This issue of the newsletter is particularly interesting, including an
article on some results of the on-going Epiwork project, comparing
large-scale computational approaches such as agent-based versus
structured metapopulation models. Another article describes the GREX
project and new exciting technologies for submarine robots
teamwork. As usual, you can also find the already famous reading
snippets, and announces for the community. We hope you will enjoy it!
-- The ASSYST Team
Download Full PDF at: http://assystcomplexity.eu/short/?id=72
assyst/css newsletter
Submit your stories
The Assyst Newsletter is a monthly edition concerning all subjects related to complex systems studies.
Submissions are always open and stories received before the 20th usually are included in the following newsletter. Please see the Contacts section in the latest number for details.
The Assyst Newsletter is sent via email to all its subscribers.
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Previous Editions
- ASSYSTComplexity Newsletter - number 1: Newsletter Launch
- ASSYSTComplexity Newsletter - number 2: Special ECCS09 Edition
- ASSYSTComplexity Newsletter - number 3: Assyst / CSS Newsletter
- ASSYSTComplexity Newsletter - number 4: ASSYST / CSS Newsletter Number 4
- ASSYSTComplexity Newsletter - number 5: ASSYST/CSS Newsletter Number 5 - April 2010
- ASSYSTComplexity Newsletter - number 6: number 6, May 2010 - A science of extreme events
- ASSYSTComplexity Newsletter - number 7: ASSYST / CSS Newsletter
- ASSYSTComplexity Newsletter - number 8: When ‘Life’ gets another boost
- ASSYSTComplexity Newsletter - number 9: Video Competition
- ASSYSTComplexity Newsletter - number 10: It's time
- ASSYSTComplexity Newsletter - number 11: Real-World Dynamics
- ASSYSTComplexity Newsletter - number 12: The Future of CS research is starting now
- ASSYSTComplexity Newsletter - number 13: An Inspiring Gift
- ASSYSTComplexity Newsletter - number 14: Happy New Year!
- ASSYSTComplexity Newsletter - number 15: ASSYST/CSS Newsletter - February 2011
- ASSYSTComplexity Newsletter - number 16: It’s time for Mathematics
- ASSYSTComplexity Newsletter - number 17: Facing the Future
- ASSYSTComplexity Newsletter - number 18: 1st of May