ASSYST/CSS Newsletter

Number 18 - May 2011

Published by
ASSYST Complexity -
Complex Systems Society -

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In this edition of the newsletter:

* Editorial: 1st of May
* ICT Based Policies for a Green Knowledge Society
* fet11 The European Future Technologies Conference and Exhibition
* Mathematics in the Science of Complex Systems
* Reading snippets
* Conferences and workshops
* Jobs
* Contacts

Editorial - 1st of May

In this 1st of May 2011, the ASSYST/CSS Newsletter presents three
distinct initiatives, all concerned, each one in its own way, by the
role of Science in building a better society for the future.

The first is the Assyst Meeting "ICT Based Policies for a Green
Knowledge Society", that will be held in Florence on the 17th May. The
meeting will address processes of creating, sharing, and using
knowledge for socio-economic development. In this context, “green”
means an interest for the involvement of environmental concern. The
key issue of the meeting will be the exploration of the possibility of
achieving a green knowledge society with the utilization of the ICT,
as a means of enhancing interaction and a distributed intelligence on
the overall society.

Another important event is "fet'11 - The European Future Technologies
Conference and Exhibition", to be held in Budapest already on the 4-6
May. fet'11 is a forum dedicated to frontier research in information
and communication technologies, a unique conference on visionary,
high-risk and long-term research in information science and
technology. Featuring an exceptionally broad range of scientific
fields, the event will seed new ideas across disciplines that will
reshape the future.

Finally, the EPSRC and ASSYST workshop "Mathematics in the Science of
Complex Systems", to be held at the University of Warwick on the 9th
and 10th June, will challenge the status quo and suggest that there is
an exciting universe of new mathematical structures waiting to be
constructed - new kinds of spaces with new kinds of algebraic,
topological, analytic and logical properties requiring new methods of
investigation to make them tractable and comprehensible.

You will find all this, and much more, in this issue of your
ASSYST/CSS newsletter.

Enjoy !

-- The ASSYST Team


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