ASSYST/CSS Newsletter
Number 12 - November 2010
Published by
ASSYST Complexity - http://assystcomplexity.eu
Complex Systems Society - http://cssociety.org
Download PDF at: http://assystcomplexity.eu/short/?id=85
In this edition of the newsletter:
* The Future of CS research is starting now
* RESINEE - RESilience and Interaction of Networks in Ecology and Economics
* COmplexity in Spatial dynamics
* SASO 2010 Brief Report
* 4th China-Europe Summer School on Complexity Science
* Reading snippets
* Conferences and workshops
* Jobs
* Contacts
Editorial - The Future of CS research is starting now
The European research in complex systems is more dynamic then ever, as
it is shown by the new nine Complexity-NET Interdisciplinary
Challenges for Complexity Science projects. This November Newsletter
starts presenting the Complexity-NET projects that are about to
start. Others will be mentioned in the following issues.
RESINEE - RESilience and Interaction of Networks in Ecology and
Economics will be developed by the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
and Universidad de Alcalá in Spain, University of Cambridge and
University of Manchester in UK, and Universiteit Utrecht in The
Netherlands. The main goal is to explore the structure and robustness
of networks under different types of threat and degrees of
decision-making power for nodes in the network. The study of specific
problems in economics and ecology will make the project relevant to
the design and control of complex systems in real-world contexts.
The COSMIC - COmplexity in Spatial dynaMICs project is linking three
research groups: Spatial Economics at the Free University of Amsterdam
(VU), The Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA) at University
College London (UCL), and the National Centre for Geocomputation (NCG)
at the National University of Ireland at Maynooth (NUIM). The project
aims to study urban dynamic processes using new bottom up, digital
data collected for entire populations using web 2.0 technologies such
as crowd-sourcing, GPS and more conventional data mining of large
electronically available spatial data sets concerning social and
economic transactions and interactions.
This issue of our Newsletter will also report on the recent
conferences and will announce new ones, together with the now famous
Reading snippets. We hope you will enjoy your reading.
-- The ASSYST Team
Download Full November Newsletter
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Submit your stories
The Assyst Newsletter is a monthly edition concerning all subjects related to complex systems studies.
Submissions are always open and stories received before the 20th usually are included in the following newsletter. Please see the Contacts section in the latest number for details.
The Assyst Newsletter is sent via email to all its subscribers.
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Previous Editions
- ASSYSTComplexity Newsletter - number 1: Newsletter Launch
- ASSYSTComplexity Newsletter - number 2: Special ECCS09 Edition
- ASSYSTComplexity Newsletter - number 3: Assyst / CSS Newsletter
- ASSYSTComplexity Newsletter - number 4: ASSYST / CSS Newsletter Number 4
- ASSYSTComplexity Newsletter - number 5: ASSYST/CSS Newsletter Number 5 - April 2010
- ASSYSTComplexity Newsletter - number 6: number 6, May 2010 - A science of extreme events
- ASSYSTComplexity Newsletter - number 7: ASSYST / CSS Newsletter
- ASSYSTComplexity Newsletter - number 8: When ‘Life’ gets another boost
- ASSYSTComplexity Newsletter - number 9: Video Competition
- ASSYSTComplexity Newsletter - number 10: It's time
- ASSYSTComplexity Newsletter - number 11: Real-World Dynamics
- ASSYSTComplexity Newsletter - number 12: The Future of CS research is starting now
- ASSYSTComplexity Newsletter - number 13: An Inspiring Gift
- ASSYSTComplexity Newsletter - number 14: Happy New Year!
- ASSYSTComplexity Newsletter - number 15: ASSYST/CSS Newsletter - February 2011
- ASSYSTComplexity Newsletter - number 16: It’s time for Mathematics
- ASSYSTComplexity Newsletter - number 17: Facing the Future
- ASSYSTComplexity Newsletter - number 18: 1st of May