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Sort by: Conference Date | Old Conferences | Open Submissions | Closed Submissions
Eight German Conference on Multi Agents System Technologies
21 Sep 2010 to 23 Sep 2010
Karslruhe, Germany
Submissions due: 9 Apr 2010
Topic: multi-agents agents
8th European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems
16 Dec 2010 to 17 Dec 2010
Pars, France
Submissions due: 14 Sep 2010
Topic: multi-agents agents
Notes: In December 2003, the First European Workshop on Multi-agent Systems was held at the University of Oxford, UK. This workshop emerged from a number of related workshops and other scholarly activities that were taking place at both national and European levels, and was intended to provide a single recognised forum at which researchers and those interested in activities relating to research in the area of autonomous agents and multi-agent systems could meet, present (potentially preliminary) research results, problems, and issues in an open and informal but academic environment. Since then, yearly editions of the event were held in Barcelona (Spain), Brussels (Belgium), Lisbon (Portugal), Hammamet (Tunisia), Bath (UK) and Agia Napa (Cyprus) shortly before Christmas. In 2010, the event will take place in Paris (France), hosted by Paris Descartes University.