March Newsletter – It’s Time For Mathematics

During February, some interesting events took place, namely concerning Mathematics and Complex Systems Science. This issue of the ASSYST/CSS newsletter reports on the “International workshop on Mathematics in the Science of Complex Systems”, recently held at the European Centre for Living Technology in Venice. The workshop challenged the status quo and suggested that there is an exciting universe of new mathematical structures waiting to be constructed – new kinds of spaces with new kinds of algebraic, topological, analytic and logical properties requiring new methods of investigation to make them tractable and comprehensible.

In a sequence, the First European Ph.D. School on “Mathematical Modeling of Complex Systems” is being prepared and will take place in Patras, Greece, during next summer. You will be able to find here the details of this summer school, including courses.

Still on the education side, the good news is that the new étoile – “Enhanced Technology for Open Intelligent Learning Environments” project is about to start. The étoile project will test a remarkable information architecture using social intelligence to provide ultra-low-cost education and support the rapid dissemination of scientific ideas in domains related to complex systems science.

Finally, you will be able to find in these pages the announcement of the workshop “Mining the Digital Traces of Science Toward interactive visualization of science dynamics”, that will take place in Paris on the 23rd and 24th of March.