Physics of Competition and Conflicts - COST Action MP0801 Meeting in Bulgaria
DavidR. - 2010-05-26 In a time of great uncertainty what can societies do to tackle the problems that arise in the context of the large scale social and political changes inside the European Union?
The Second Annual Meeting of COST Action MP0801, "Physics of Competition and Conflicts" is taking place at the Bulgarian Black See Resort "Sunny Beach" to bring together scientists of different disciplines on a discussion on quantitative understanding of social turmoil.

Physicists, sociologists, economists, etc are participating in a interdisciplinary debate of ideas, concepts and practices that one must embrace for these frontier problems to be solved for the benefit of the society.
During the 3 day conference, the participants discuss topics related to Competition and Conflicts in the COST workgroups:
- Information and Knowledge
- Agents including game theory
- Complex Networks
- Evolution & Co-evolution
- Technology & Risk Management
Sessions include invited talks from prominent researchers and contributions from national COST representatives. We are including the available powerpoint presentations here in the Assyst Website for you to download:
Day 1 Presentations (May 25, 2010)
Talks by:
J. Mimkes - Putty and Clay. Calculus in Capital and Labor
K. Suchecki - Design vs. Emergence: The Structure of Knowledge
H. Huffel - Active Complex Stochastic Systems
V. Gontis - Scaled Nonlinear Stochastic Model of Return versus Empirical Data
S. Maletic - Percolations on Clique Complex
V. Urumov - Variable-Delay Feedback as a Tool for Stabilization of Unstable Steady States and Desynchronization of Systems of Oscillators
N. Vitanov - A Spatial Model of Ideology Struggle
Z. Burda - Maximal Entropy Random Walk
Yu. Holovatch - Critical Phenomena on Scale-Free Networks: Logarithmic Corrections and Scaling Functions
G.P. Tsironis - Discrete Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation in Complex Networks
C. Giardina - Ferromagnetic Ising Models on Power-Law Random Graphs
S. Jain - The KLM Airline Network
F. Slanina - Non-Equilibrium Phase Transitions in Hegselmann-Krause Model of Opinion Formation
Day 2 Presentations (May 26, 2010)
Talks by:
D. Helbing - Cooperation, Norms, and Conflict: Towards Simulating the Foundations of Society
F. Schweeitzer - Open Source as a Complex Network
S. Cebrat - Modeling Evolution of Y Chromosome, Altruism and Sexual Antagonism
M. Mitrovic - Network Structure and Emotions on Popular Posts
C. Costea - Sustainable Go Green Logistics Solutions for Emerging Metropolis
H. Bingol - Which Criteria Are More Important in Finding a Partner?
J. Louçã - The Observatorium: Monitoring Topic Trends in Online Media
A. Zuccala - Poverty Research in a Science for Development Policy Context
S. Galam - Public Debates Driven by Incomplete Scientific Data: Comparing the Cases of Evolution Theory and Global Warming
I. Avramov - Is It Possible to Describe the Epidemic Spread in Terms of the Knetics of Overall Phase Transition
P. Contucci - Toward a Quantitative Approach to Migrants Integration
* - presentation from J. Holyst on Collective Emotions in Internet Communities was canceled.
Day 3 Presentations (May 28, 2010)
J. Johnson - Multilevel Hypernetworks of Competition, Conflict and Cooperation
A. Delanoë - Modeling Media Dynamics: The French Case of Unusual Bees Death
S. Reimann - The Financial Bubble Experiment: Theoretical Background and Empirical Results
G. Rotundo - Symbolic Images for an Evolutionary model of Bounded Rationality Consumers
A. Sîrbu - Gene Regulatory Network Modeling: an Integrative Approach
R. Pan - Path Lengths, Distances and Connectivity in Temporal Networks
Posters Presented at the meeting
T. Hulshof - Random Walk on Infinite Critical Percolation Clusters
A. Kononovicius - Empirical Analysis of Vilnius Stock Exchange Absolute Return Time Series
I. Grabec - Modeling and Forecasting of Traffic Flow on Roads Network in Slovenia
L. Mihoreanu - Competitive PET Study of the Central Nicotinic Receptors Alpha4Beta2 in Baboons
M. Pistek - Minority Game with Several Groups Acting at Different Time Scales
F. Redelico - On a fractal Instability Quotient Applied to Financial Crashes
A. Sirbu - Wavelets for the Analysis of Time Series Gene Expression Data
F.O. Redelico - Persistence Properties of Market Maker Intervention in Financial Markets
M. Szell - Multi-Relational Organization and Social Balance in a Large-Scale Human Society
M. Tasgin - The Spread of Gossip in Weighted Networks
L. Todorova - Power Law Distribution in High Frequency Financial Data?
I. Vassileva - Optimal Fiscal Policy in an Economy With an Informal Sector
W. Waga - Computer Modeling of Biological Conflicts in the Human Reproduction
(We'll update this page with presentations regularly, please bookmark this page. If you participated in the conference and your talk isn't available please send it by email to [email protected])
For more details on this COST meeting please visit the Conference Website and the Project Website.